Headaches & Migraines:

Break Free from headaches. Overcome headaches and migraine pain naturally with neurotherapy to reclaim your energy, freedom, and life for greater health and happiness.

What is Causing My Migraine Headache Pain?

Migraines create a high stress state in your brain which causes an increase in sympathetic response and a decrease in parasympathetic response. Simply stated, this means brainwave imbalance can negatively impact normal brain wave function. If the stressful trigger from the migraine continues, the response becomes chronic. Once ongoing, it is harder and harder for your brain to re-regulate and normalize function.

Neurofeedback: When balance and function is restored, your outcomes are optimized and health is improved.

Watch this video to learn how Braincore Neurofeedback helps stop migraines.

Ready to Learn More?

If you’re interested in learning more, we’re happy to spend time with you on the phone to see if the services we offer would be a good fit for you. Contact Us Today  to Get Started Training Your Brain to Change Your Health & Life.